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The Grand Marshal of the Spirit Mountain Casino Grand Floral Parade is the CEO of the Portland Rose Festival Foundation, Jeff Curtis

Last night at the Opening Night fireworks, Rose Festival President Dave Todd announced that Jeff Curtis - CEO of the Portland Rose Festival - will represent the Rose Festival Staff as Grand Marshal in this year's Spirit Mountain Casino Grand Floral Parade. The Staff is being honored for their hard work and dedication in bringing back this momentous event after it was cancelled two years in a row due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No Rose Festival Staff member has ever before been selected as the Grand Floral Parade Grand Marshal.

Jeff recently decided he would step away from his role with Rose Festival later this year, and not renew his contract with the Portland Rose Festival Foundation after 18 successful years at the helm. Jeff is interested in seeking new personal and professional challenges.

"As the Rose Festival's CEO for the past 18 years, Jeff has seen the Festival through many challenges, from a struggling economy to a world pandemic," said President Dave Todd. "Under his leadership, the Festival transitioned to a 501(c)3 nonprofit, and was named the Official Festival of the City of Portland. We're extremely proud of Jeff's service to the Festival, and pleased to name him as this year's Grand Floral Parade Grand Marshal."

Curtis will ride a float in this year's Grand Floral Parade, on Saturday, June 11, on a new all-eastside parade route.

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In true Rose City Reunion fashion, Rose Festival is honoring its volunteer leadership as grand marshals of the CareOregon Starlight Parade, as announced last week. The Rose Festival thanks the leaders of the three organizations that steward the festival - the Portland Rose Festival Foundation, the Royal Rosarians and the Portland Rose Society - for their passion and perseverance during the past two years of global pandemic.

The five Grand Marshals are:

Emily Hastings (2020-2021 President, Portland Rose Society)
Korrie Hoeckendorf (2021 Prime Minister, Royal Rosarians)
Kimberly Bown (2020 Prime Minister, Royal Rosarians)
Dave Todd (2021-2022 President, Portland Rose Festival Foundation Board)
Teri Bowles-Atherton (2019-2020 President, Portland Rose Festival Foundation Board)

See all of them in the parade on Satruday, June 4 (starting at 7:30 p.m.) in downtown Portland.

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The Grand Marshal of the Fred Meyer Junior Parade is The Unipiper!

He's been called 'our city mascot' 'the city's unofficial ambassador of weird' and was voted Best Local Celebrity by Willamette Week's Best of Portland Readers' Poll five years in a row. See him in the parade on Wednesday, June 8 (starting at 1:00 p.m.) in the Hollywood District.

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