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[Solutions] 2024 Rose Festival Treasure Hunt

Clue #1 - Sunday, May 26

We all learn things along the way,

and thus our knowledge is improved.

Trust not the web, for it won’t say

what once was there has been removed.

So lesson learned, now join the fray,

to search for it you are behooved.

The thirty-fourth is underway,

by lure of treasure you’ll be moved.


This introductory clue is an apology for last year’s instance of insufficient BOTG research.A clue contained a reference to a sculpture called “Just the Two of Us”.Multiple web sites contained photos and descriptions of the sculpture installed in 2005 at the corner of Hall Blvd. and Farmington Road.However, within the last few years that sculpture had been removed.Hopefully that kind of gaffe will not be repeated.New ones, though, are entirely possible, although every effort is made to be accurate.

Clue #2 - Monday, May 27

Muck, Mock, Meek,

by dreams beckoned.

They’re just like

Papa’s second.


Muck, Mock, and Meek are all names of settlers that had original donation land claims on the east side of the Willamette River.Henry Muck was born in Germany and in 1853 settled on a claim in what is now North Portland.His claim included today’s Mock’s Crest and Mock’s Bottom.In 1864 his son John Mock claimed land adjacent to his father’s.Somewhere in those intervening 11 years the family changed the spelling of their name, probably for obvious reasons.William Meek was born in Ohio, and in 1849 he claimed a tract of land in what is now the Milwaukie area.

Papa is the nickname of Ernest Hemingway, whose second novel is titled "The Sun Also Rises”, indicating the east.Both parts of this clue point you to the east.

Incidentally, some references say that “The Sun Also Rises” was his first novel. But while it was his first major successful novel, (published Oct. 22, 1926) his first novel was published earlier that year called “The Torrents of Spring”. (published Jan. 1,1926)

Clue #3 - Tuesday, May 28

They existed,

they’re first listed

if you’re lookin’

at Chinookan.


The previous clue leaves you with the east side as your hunting ground, which means it has to be in either Multnomah or Clackamas County.Both counties are named for tribes of the Chinookan people, and of the two, the Clackamas are listed first in alphabetical order.

Clue #4 - Wednesday, May 29

If there’s a tavern in your town

but to booze you’ve an aversion,

try looking where the third part is,

but only in the kid’s version.


“There Is a Tavern in the Town” is a song that was first published in 1883.It became the school anthem of Trinity University College, but the most popular version was the one recorded by Nat King Cole on his 1963 album "Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer”.A children’s song entitled “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes” is sung to the same tune.The medallion was hidden at about knee height, which is the third part mentioned in the song.

Clue #5 - Thursday, May 30

With a little skill

you’ll solve the mystery

if you first reverse

a course of history.


This clue will be helpful once you solve the next few clues.It refers to the Barlow Road, the last overland section of the Oregon Trail.The ensuing clues start at its end and go backwards until you reach the treasure.

Clue #6 - Friday, May 31

Since you will start your search

sooner or later,

look for the place that is

prima et mater.


“Prima et mater” is part of Oregon City’s official motto.In its entirety it is “Urbs civitatis nostrae prima et mater”, which means “First and mothertown of our state”.Oregon City was the end of the Oregon Trail.

Clue #7 - Saturday, June 1

He came here via paradise

from a place that sounds like socks,

in partner with a co-founder

of our Rose City that rocks.


Philip Foster was born near Argyle, Maine in 1805.He and his family sailed from New York around Cape Horn to the Sandwich Islands, as Hawai’i was then called.They were delayed for several months there before resuming their voyage and reaching Fort Vancouver on May 19, 1843.He came in partnership with Francis Pettygrove to establish a store and trading business in Oregon City.Pettygrove and Asa Lovejoy later platted what would become the city of Portland, becoming its co-founders.

After forming a partnership with Sam Barlow to construct the toll road, Philip Foster established a farmstead and store on the Barlow Road, and it was the first farmstead that emigrants encountered in the Oregon Country.Located in Eagle Creek, the original house and barn, as well as the rest of the grounds, are open to the public. The site is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Clue #8 - Sunday, June 2

How long have you dreamed of finding it?

Do you have delusions of grandeur?

What started as government income

has now become downright granular.


The first settlers in the Sandy area were the Francis Revenue family.They established a trading post on the Barlow Road and the area initially became known as Revenue. (government income)Later they adopted the name of the nearby river and the growing town became known as Sandy, which is a synonym for granular.

Clue #9 - Monday, June 3

A faceless leader did appoint

a man once sentenced to the joint.

This man’s identity you must know,

he’ll guide you in the way to go.


Kintzing Prichette was acting governor of the Oregon Territory from June 18, 1850 to August 18, 1850.He is known as Oregon’s “faceless leader” because no portraits or photographs of him are known to exist.He appointed Sam Barlow as Justice of the Peace for Clackamas County.

Sam Barlow, the main force behind the building of the Barlow Road, had been convicted in 1827 of manslaughter and sentenced to one year of hard labor for killing a man with an ax.Many people publicly sought his release and pardon, testifying that he did it in defense of his wife and children.He received a pardon from the governor of Indiana in December of 1827.

Clue #10 - Tuesday, June 4

First take away the sucrose

from Portland’s iconic landmark,

then trace the thread to the source.

From his namesake you will embark.


The iconic landmark to which this refers is the White Stag sign.Although it now reads “Portland, Oregon”, it used to advertise White Stag sportswear.However, it was originally built by Ramsay Signs in 1940 to advertise White Satin Sugar.In 1950 it was animated to show the outline of the state filling with sugar.In 1957 it was changed to White Stag, so if you take away the sugar from its history you would start with White Stag and then trace it back to its source.

White Stag was founded by Max and Leopold Hirsch and their partner Harry Weis when they bought the Willamette Tent and Awning Company from Henry Wemme.They changed the name to White Stag because that is how their last names, Weis and Hirsch, translate from German.Henry Wemme started Willamette Tent and Awning in 1883, thus becoming the source.He bought the Barlow Road in 1912 and established a post office and a community that still bears his name today.It is located on Hwy. 26 near Welches.

Clue #11 - Wednesday, June 5

Take the first prime times the sixth

and the sixth prime times the second.

Ferret out their common point.

Have you now correctly reckoned?


The first prime number is two, the second is three, and the sixth is thirteen.Hwy. 26 and Rd. 39 intersect not far from where the medallion was hidden.

Clue #12 - Thursday, June 6

If you are superstitious

then you won’t be loquacious

when getting near the treasure.

(Or are you just sagacious?)


Silent Rock is located just before you get to Rockwood Viewpoint, where the treasure was hidden.There is a belief by some that you must be silent when passing it, even turning off the radio, or bad things will happen to you.There are many different stories about how this started.

Clue #13 - Friday, June 7

If your AC

goes awry,

this will rate

how bad and why.


Your AC joint (acromioclavicular) is located in your shoulder. The Rockwood Classification System describes the type and severity of the injury. The medallion was hidden at Rockwood Viewpoint.

Clue #14 - Saturday, June 8

Next to a sign

you will not fail.

‘Tween wood and metal

you’ll prevail.


At the Rockwood Viewpoint on Hwy. 26 there is a “Snow Zone” sign near the right end of the concrete barriers. The guardrail starts at the end of the barriers, and the medallion was hidden between the metal guardrail and one of the wooden support posts.

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